Figure 38. The steps used to create the “No” symbol in a web format. The idea is to display this symbol.
Quartus II, Version 14.0.0 Build 2560.... 2. Open the Quartus II front-end. Create your schematic.... I then downloaded and installed Quartus II Software v14.0 Update 1. I think the installer was .
Quartus 2.0.0 PrePro SW (Linux/Windows) from The Stationery Geekette by Michelle Stewart.
30 Oct 2010
page_menu_on () {
# Disable the on-chip graphics.
# Put the system into graphics mode.
# Set system_ddr_clock to 100Mhz.
# Initialize video mode.
# Select vga compatible mode.
# Change the operation mode to graphics only.
# Set output format to ascii.
# Turn off the watchdog timer.
# Turn off pllbx,pll.
# Set board clock to 100Mhz.
# Set the system clock to 100Mhz.
# Set system_ddr_clock to 100Mhz.
# Set output clock to 100Mhz.
# Set system time to 4 seconds to match the time given.
# Load kernel.
# Load image from disk.
# Increase number of blocks to 64.
# Set RAM length to 128Mbytes.
# Enable output serial communication port.
# Enable input serial communication port.
# Set the serial data port to rx.
# Put the system into system_ddr_clock mode.
# Set system_ddr_clock be359ba680
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